Sponsor Nashville, TN Large Loss Mastery Elite


3 Levels of Sponsorship!

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4-Day Mastery Elite Course

Audit Proof Your Large Commercial Loss!

Date: June 3rd-6th, 2019

Does it seem like every large loss invoice you create is subjected to 3rd party audits? Do you ever wonder why? You are not alone. It is not likely to change, and so, it has become vital for restoration professionals to understand what documentation is needed and how to present the required information to the satisfaction of end-user customers, insurance adjusters, 3rd party consultants and auditors. Discover how to effectively audit-proof your loss by learning to master Time and Materials, Damage Assessment, Scoping, Estimating, Contracting, Advanced Structural Drying/Sizing, Critical Path Management, Job Cost Management, Vital Document Recovery, Winning Large Loss Opportunities, Communications and Documentation, and Live “Audit Triggers” in a forum with industry consultants.
Use all these skills to win the simulated Large Loss and audit-proof your future LL Jobs!

Event Number 1009

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Sponsorship Levels

Silver, Gold, Platinum


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